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Reach thousands of Artists, Art Galleries and Visitors of Art Fairs and Art Exhibitions around the world.
Advertising on allows you to reach and target both visitors and exhibitors of art fairs and art exhibitions from around the world. Through on Platform advertisement, Newsletter Advertisement and Advertisement on the web application during exhibitions or art fairs you can reach a specific audience ideal for your product or service.
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Specifically target certain user groups by advertising your product, service or company on the online platform. Get access to highly visible ad spaces throughout the user dashboard.
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Reach more than 10.000 Artists from around the world who are actively exhibiting at art fairs and art exhibitions. Define your target audience by nationality, type of art they create, type of exhibitions they exhibit at and reach out to them through the newsletter.
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Reach thousands of visitors of art fairs and art exhibition by advertising on the web application. By placing your logo or ad directly under the artwork information, ensures high visibility for your advertisement. With an average of 12 artwork scans per exhibition visitor, you will leave a lasting impression compared to having your Logo only presented on the Sponsors & Partners wall at the entrance of an art exhibition.
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